Friday, April 17, 2015

The count down is on!

Today marks 53 days until our group of RHS high school students take off for an adventure of a lifetime! On June 9th, a group of 30 students and 5 adults will be flying to Peru for a 9 day study abroad trip. After two long years of planning, fundraising, hard work, and determination, these students are just 53 days away from their final goal.

Through this process, these students have had to maintain a certain GPA, continue to uphold the required group behavior expectations, and finance their trip. Words cannot express how proud I am as their advisor for what they have done. Giving students the chance to set a two year goal and then help guide them to obtain that goal has been an awesome learning experience all the way around. These students have earned their way on to this trip and the experiences they are soon to have will be life changing and irreplaceable.

This blog will work to be our main form of communication as we head out on this adventure. I expect to write a few more blog posts on the updates of the trip as the departure date inches closer. On the trip, I, along with the other chaperones, will use this as a way to update the family and friends of all those on the trip of the excitement and learning that is taking place each and every day.

Stay tune for more to come!